BIG FOGG Misting Systems:
We Cool You Down Without Getting You Wet

Polarzone is a rental and sales agent for Big Fogg misting systems and misting fans.  As a rental and sales agent, Polarzone can arrange the delivery and installation of high pressure misting fans and misting systems for a wide range of athletic sporting events... at every level, from professional sports to college, and even high school and pivate events.  There is a wide range of misting equipment, systems and configurations to choose from, meeting the needs of your perticular outdoor sporting event.

Polarzone is a rental and sales agent for Big Fogg cooling and misting fans and systems for sporting events. Cooling and misting fans for the PGA, Motor Sports, College Baseball, World Series, NCAA, Championship Bowl Games, World Cup Soccer, NHL and MLB All Star Game & regular season games

Misting doesn't have to result in wetness. Our misting systems and misting fans are designed using processes that provide outdoor cooling, while evaporating the moisture before it reaches the surfaces areas - utilizing a process called evaporative cooling and flash evaporation, to cool without wetness, keeping athletes and spectators both cool and dry.

Polarzone is proud to be an associate of Big Fogg, a made-in-America owned and operated company and a leader in the misting systems and misting fans.  These misting systems have been commissioned by the NFL to be on the sidelines at 8 of the last 10 Super Bowl Games and last 12 Pro Bowl Games in Hawaii.  Heated benches were supplied and setup at the two 2011 NFC Playoff games in Chicago.  Heating benches were also used at both the most attended hockey game in history - the Michigan-Michigan State game and at the NHL New Year’s Day classic.  Misting Fans, Misting Systems, Misting Tents, Inflatable Misters and Heated Benches are common equipment for the PGA, Motor Sports, College Baseball World Series, NCAA Championship Bowl Games, World Cup Soccer, NHL and MLB All Star Game & regular season games.  Each season Big Fogg Misting Fans, Heated Benches and Radiant Heaters are on the sidelines of over 200 NFL and NCAA football games.  Browse the wide selection of cooing products and applications at Big Fogg

Contact Polarzone today about cooling down your event!